Konteinerlahenduste tootmine ja projekteerimine toimub Tallinnas Silikaltsiidi tänaval.
Valmistame kõik konteinerlahendused, spetsiaalselt konteinerlahenduste tootmiseks mugandatud tehases, kus on katusealust tootmispinda kokku 2 500 m². Meie meeskond töötab kiiresti ja täpselt ning toodavad kõrge kvaliteediga lahendusi.
Oleme valmis klienti nõustama, et tagada konkurentsivõimelise hinna ja lahendustega pakkumisi.
Integreeritud lahendused
Mobiised tõsteseadmed (Lifting wheels)
Lifting wheels are placed between heavy-duty roller movement sets and aircraft loading system. The lifting wheels can be used for moving containers also on less paved and less even ground. The attachment of the lifting wheels may be effected from side into the ISO-corners. The container can be manoeuvred very easily and be moved by several vehicles. The equipment is also certified for loading containers into Hercules C-130 aircraft. Deploying from and loading on truck however is not possible because of the short lifting height. If truck loading is required please select one of the an aircraft loading systems.